Linen Canvas

Server: Odin

Last Updated: 6/23/24 10:24:14 AM
Search Category: Cloth | Item Category: Cloth | Sell price to vendor: 1
More Information

Gathering info:

789 591 5,998 591 1,424 3,002 145,318 102 7.70

Level 36 Weaver Recipe for Linen Canvas

Cotton Yarn 1 11 11 6/20/23 6:58:22 AM
Linen Yarn 2 75 150 3/5/23 5:35:39 PM
Beeswax 1 105 105 6/22/23 6:59:46 PM
Lightning Shard 4 59 236 6/7/24 2:33:39 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 502

Profit/Loss Normal = 67

Profit/Loss HQ = 2,500

Current Prices

Price History

Odin Cross Server Data for Linen Canvas on Light

Lich 452 133 452 485 499 972 500 29,481 59 7/9/23 10:21:58 AM
Odin 591 789 5,998 591 1,424 833 3,002 145,318 102 6/23/24 10:24:14 AM
Phoenix 523 175 523 523 502 901 500 23,594 47 5/29/23 3:39:06 PM
Shiva 525 47 525 0 499 899 499 12,998 26 4/21/23 7:50:08 PM
Zodiark 945 35 1,246 945 1,010 479 1,186 15,162 15 6/5/23 1:49:38 PM
Twintania 108 609 108 144 130 1,316 190 1,437 11 4/8/23 9:16:06 AM
Alpha 4,667 153 6,143 4,667 1,489 -3,243 5,849 68,505 46 6/8/23 6:53:43 PM
Raiden 1,364 697 2,093 1,364 1,827 60 1,344 208,289 114 9/17/23 11:58:12 PM