Sheep Rug

Server: Odin

Last Updated: 12/18/22 10:30:29 PM
Search Category: Rugs | Item Category: Rug | Sell price to vendor: 150
More Information

Gathering info:

4 66,997 66,997 66,914 66,996 535,316 8 0.50

Level 40 Leatherworker Recipe for Sheep Rug

Wind Shard 4 50 200 6/8/24 11:14:54 AM
Earth Shard 5 84 420 6/8/24 7:14:40 PM
Boar Leather 5 698 3,490 3/1/23 10:54:13 PM
Fleece 4 320 1,280 3/6/23 12:59:37 PM
Blue Fox Hide 2 2,624 5,248 6/12/22 2:00:55 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 10,638

Profit/Loss Normal = 59,361

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Desynthesizes into:

Fieldcraft Demimateria I
Earth Shard
Wind Shard

Current Prices

Price History

Odin Cross Server Data for Sheep Rug on Light

Lich 34,900 18 0 34,900 41,300 32,014 40,900 165,200 4 6/15/24 3:11:38 PM
Odin 66,997 4 0 66,997 66,914 -83 66,996 535,316 8 12/18/22 10:30:29 PM
Phoenix 42,000 20 0 42,000 38,122 24,914 40,000 304,977 8 6/14/22 12:00:05 PM
Shiva 38,037 15 0 38,037 44,331 28,877 40,040 398,987 9 6/14/22 9:47:39 AM
Zodiark 42,154 23 0 42,154 40,148 24,760 40,148 200,740 5 2/28/23 6:10:26 PM
Twintania 59,965 15 0 59,965 57,147 6,949 57,135 285,739 5 2/26/23 5:59:48 AM
Alpha 40,148 5 0 40,148 52,046 26,766 40,148 260,234 5 5/21/23 7:14:54 AM
Raiden 104,999 10 0 104,999 103,507 -38,085 100,000 621,047 6 9/24/23 4:51:35 PM