Ash Cabinet

Server: Odin

Last Updated: 6/24/23 10:11:42 AM
Search Category: Tables | Item Category: Table | Sell price to vendor: 120
More Information

Gathering info:

10 23,334 23,334 22,211 22,209 66,634 3 3.30

Level 20 Carpenter Recipe for Ash Cabinet

Ice Shard 1 70 70 6/8/24 7:14:57 PM
Wind Shard 1 50 50 6/8/24 11:14:54 AM
Iron Ingot 1 125 125 9/18/23 3:30:35 PM
Ash Lumber 2 998 1,996 6/27/23 12:54:23 PM
Elm Lumber 2 220 440 4/26/23 5:51:36 PM
Beeswax 1 105 105 6/22/23 6:59:46 PM
Iron Joint Plate 2 534 1,068 2/12/23 7:54:42 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 3,854

Profit/Loss Normal = 18,355

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Desynthesizes into:

Ash Lumber
Wind Shard
Ice Shard

Current Prices

Price History

Odin Cross Server Data for Ash Cabinet on Light

Lich 9,300 11 0 9,300 4,500 12,911 5,000 9,000 2 5/16/22 6:42:54 PM
Odin 23,334 10 0 23,334 22,211 -1,123 22,209 66,634 3 6/24/23 10:11:42 AM
Phoenix 41,993 6 0 41,993 4,999 -19,782 5,000 9,999 2 6/11/23 2:59:19 PM
Shiva 1,200 7 0 1,200 0 0 0 0 0 1/21/22 8:44:05 PM
Zodiark 57,451 8 0 57,451 0 0 0 0 0 9/13/23 10:08:07 AM
Twintania 29,400 10 0 29,400 27,250 -7,189 27,500 54,500 2 6/22/23 8:11:30 AM
Alpha 50,400 1 0 50,400 27,746 -28,189 45,988 110,987 4 6/22/23 1:14:56 AM
Raiden 37,798 7 0 37,798 27,995 -15,587 27,997 83,986 3 6/26/23 8:54:11 PM