Craftsman's Alkahest

Server: Odin

Last Updated: 9/13/23 3:00:00 PM
Search Category: Reagents | Item Category: Reagent | Sell price to vendor: 32
More Information

Gathering info:

152 20,990 20,990 23,032 19,397 21,932 155,183 8 19.00

Level 90 Alchemist Recipe for Craftsman's Alkahest

Lightning Cluster 3 172 516 6/1/24 11:54:02 AM
Water Cluster 3 100 300 6/8/24 9:00:46 PM
Immutable Solution 1 884 884 4/26/24 8:28:19 AM
Mornveil Tree Bark 4 696 2,784 3/1/23 11:42:46 AM
Earthbreak Aethersand 1 860 860 6/9/24 11:55:24 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 5,344

Profit/Loss Normal = 8,555

Profit/Loss HQ = 13,956

Current Prices

Price History

Odin Cross Server Data for Craftsman's Alkahest on Light

Lich 19,950 185 19,950 20,055 19,328 -553 19,000 1,352,993 70 2/27/23 5:53:39 PM
Odin 20,990 152 20,990 23,032 19,397 -1,593 21,932 155,183 8 9/13/23 3:00:00 PM
Phoenix 18,829 170 20,762 18,829 14,397 568 19,773 2,793,206 194 3/4/23 12:59:36 AM
Shiva 18,999 108 24,997 18,999 20,761 398 19,300 872,002 42 7/12/23 8:03:30 PM
Zodiark 248 91 289 248 350 19,149 500 8,408 24 10/5/24 8:24:09 AM
Twintania 13,400 21 24,999 13,400 17,065 5,997 14,990 631,435 37 9/27/23 2:08:35 PM
Alpha 31,493 99 31,493 32,550 23,840 -12,096 30,000 2,479,449 104 2/28/23 8:50:19 PM
Raiden 17,881 5 89,249 17,881 16,976 1,516 17,030 339,527 20 2/20/23 12:03:31 AM