Horn Scale Greaves

Server: Odin

Last Updated: 5/28/23 11:57:48 PM
Search Category: Feet | Item Category: Feet | Sell price to vendor: 37
More Information

Gathering info:

3 5,145 5,145 9,999 9,999 9,999 1 3.00

Level 37 Armorer Recipe for Horn Scale Greaves

Ice Shard 4 70 280 6/8/24 7:14:57 PM
Earth Shard 4 84 336 6/8/24 7:14:40 PM
Steel Ingot 1 439 439 3/5/23 6:02:28 PM
Steel Plate 2 598 1,196 3/3/23 11:53:24 PM
Antelope Horn 1 58 58 6/6/24 8:45:59 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 2,309

Profit/Loss Normal = 7,690

Profit/Loss HQ = 7,691

Desynthesizes into:

Antelope Horn
Ice Shard
Earth Shard

Current Prices

Price History

Odin Cross Server Data for Horn Scale Greaves on Light

Lich 972 6 11,000 972 4,886 9,027 672 39,092 8 6/28/20 10:53:45 AM
Odin 5,145 3 0 5,145 9,999 4,854 9,999 9,999 1 5/28/23 11:57:48 PM
Phoenix 17,000 5 29,940 17,000 15,928 -7,001 10,000 159,286 10 1/12/22 3:49:47 PM
Shiva 14,995 1 0 14,995 13,082 -4,996 10,000 78,497 6 10/9/21 8:59:32 PM
Zodiark 4,999 2 4,999 9,000 3,296 5,000 1,999 32,969 10 12/6/21 4:56:26 AM
Twintania 14,175 1 14,175 0 0 0 0 0 0 5/23/23 12:55:28 PM
Raiden 22,050 4 40,949 22,050 20,751 -12,051 20,000 83,006 4 4/18/23 11:58:02 PM