Enchanted High Durium Ink

Server: Odin

Last Updated: 2/21/23 12:15:59 PM
Search Category: Reagents | Item Category: Reagent | Sell price to vendor: 5
More Information

Gathering info:

442 16 1,050 16 110 38 4,309 39 11.30

Level 81 Alchemist Recipe for Enchanted High Durium Ink

Water Crystal 8 38 304 6/8/24 8:59:53 PM
Underground Spring Water 1 178 178 6/1/24 11:44:52 AM
Cubus Flesh 1 494 494 2/28/23 2:10:49 PM
High Durium Sand 4 500 2,000 6/1/24 11:57:30 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 2,976

Profit/Loss Normal = -2,776

Profit/Loss HQ = -1,476

Current Prices

Price History

Odin Cross Server Data for Enchanted High Durium Ink on Light

Lich 263 136 3,045 263 269 -153 290 17,514 65 2/26/23 6:06:23 PM
Odin 16 442 1,050 16 110 94 38 4,309 39 2/21/23 12:15:59 PM
Phoenix 104 110 2,096 104 310 6 200 20,775 67 2/23/23 6:08:36 AM
Shiva 242 230 899 242 358 -132 244 22,582 63 6/22/24 9:50:53 PM
Zodiark 361 101 4,200 361 0 0 0 0 0 9/12/23 10:49:49 PM
Twintania 200 62 75,000 200 1,654 -90 3,000 109,175 66 6/5/23 7:43:04 AM
Alpha 1,038 101 0 1,038 608 -928 1,000 20,690 34 2/27/23 12:27:14 AM
Raiden 1,000 7 0 1,000 894 -890 1,000 57,234 64 9/19/23 5:15:23 PM