Grade 6 Tincture of Dexterity

Server: Odin

Last Updated: 3/3/23 1:16:22 PM
Search Category: Medicine | Item Category: Medicine | Sell price to vendor: 95
More Information

Gathering info:

125 2,975 2,975 2,980 2,981 2,979 500,920 168 0.70

Level 90 Alchemist Recipe for Grade 6 Tincture of Dexterity

Lightning Cluster 3 172 516 6/1/24 11:54:02 AM
Water Cluster 3 100 300 6/8/24 9:00:46 PM
Stonehard Water 1 104 104 4/20/23 1:32:16 AM
Moonlight Aethersand 1 1,789 1,789 1/31/23 4:29:11 PM
Grade 5 Dexterity Alkahest 1 998 998 2/26/23 11:10:37 PM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 3,707

Profit/Loss Normal = 1,464

Profit/Loss HQ = 1,743

Current Prices

Price History

Odin Cross Server Data for Grade 6 Tincture of Dexterity on Light

Lich 595 2,081 1,496 595 1,544 2,386 1,590 1,294,119 838 8/17/22 9:26:53 AM
Odin 2,975 125 2,975 2,980 2,981 6 2,979 500,920 168 3/3/23 1:16:22 PM
Phoenix 2,940 301 3,044 2,940 2,392 41 2,900 490,432 205 2/19/23 3:21:42 PM
Shiva 1,300 3,580 1,960 1,300 0 0 0 0 0 8/1/22 6:01:16 PM
Zodiark 655 115 1,500 655 1,664 2,326 1,899 387,937 233 9/27/23 8:37:41 PM
Twintania 1,200 1,613 1,882 1,200 2,723 1,781 2,771 1,348,182 495 8/1/22 5:59:14 PM