Square Niche Partition

Server: Odin

Last Updated: 4/21/22 5:32:26 PM
Search Category: Tables | Item Category: Table | Sell price to vendor: 90
More Information

Gathering info:

44 13,046 13,046 11,260 13,900 304,033 27 1.60

Level 86 Goldsmith Recipe for Square Niche Partition

Wind Crystal 8 55 440 6/8/24 7:15:45 PM
Pewter Ingot 5 3,570 17,850 10/3/23 7:40:21 PM
Red Pine Lumber 2 1,040 2,080 10/4/23 8:44:53 AM
Marble 10 209 2,090 9/19/23 9:40:45 PM
Fire Crystal 8 37 296 10/31/24 5:21:50 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 22,756

Profit/Loss Normal = -15,956

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Odin Cross Server Data for Square Niche Partition on Light

Odin 13,046 44 0 13,046 11,260 -1,786 13,900 304,033 27 4/21/22 5:32:26 PM
Phoenix 4,500 21 0 4,500 6,108 6,760 6,099 42,758 7 11/23/22 9:24:05 AM
Shiva 14,173 27 0 14,173 13,671 -2,913 12,999 164,056 12 2/28/23 4:31:02 PM
Zodiark 4,700 42 0 4,700 3,971 6,560 1,000 79,431 20 4/25/22 10:27:12 AM
Twintania 2,000 61 0 2,000 2,882 9,260 1,975 89,344 31 4/25/22 10:29:39 PM
Alpha 16,590 11 0 16,590 11,779 -5,330 15,999 58,897 5 2/24/23 2:40:28 PM