Apothecary's Workbench

Server: Odin

Last Updated: 6/23/24 7:02:07 PM
Search Category: Tables | Item Category: Table | Sell price to vendor: 90
More Information

Gathering info:

25 1,300 1,300 2,053 2,300 41,066 20 1.20

Level 86 Carpenter Recipe for Apothecary's Workbench

Wind Crystal 32 55 1,760 6/8/24 7:15:45 PM
Chirurgeon's Essentials 1 19,737 19,737 2/27/23 12:55:21 PM
Pewter Ingot 4 3,570 14,280 10/3/23 7:40:21 PM
Ironwood Lumber 8 1,989 15,912 6/18/24 12:31:18 PM
Ice Crystal 32 44 1,408 6/8/24 7:16:01 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 53,097

Profit/Loss Normal = -51,797

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Odin Cross Server Data for Apothecary's Workbench on Light

Lich 38,745 60 0 38,745 40,997 -36,692 38,994 122,991 3 2/27/23 6:04:44 AM
Odin 1,300 25 0 1,300 2,053 753 2,300 41,066 20 6/23/24 7:02:07 PM
Phoenix 1,888 26 0 1,888 1,367 165 1,887 20,506 15 6/14/22 12:01:49 PM
Shiva 4,728 23 0 4,728 5,323 -2,675 4,728 37,262 7 8/7/23 10:30:47 PM
Zodiark 6,997 28 0 6,997 10,456 -4,944 6,995 177,762 17 2/26/23 2:20:10 PM
Twintania 16,538 40 0 16,538 22,997 -14,485 20,000 114,989 5 2/28/23 4:06:29 AM
Alpha 18,375 16 0 18,375 11,574 -16,322 17,500 69,446 6 2/26/23 3:20:01 AM
Raiden 44,100 11 0 44,100 39,359 -42,047 42,000 314,878 8 2/28/23 4:43:06 AM