Classical Spear

Server: Odin

Last Updated: 6/17/23 1:42:15 PM
Search Category: Lancer's Arms | Item Category: Lancer's Arm | Sell price to vendor: 709
More Information

Gathering info:

19 8,379 21,305 8,379 7,959 7,000 39,797 5 3.80

Level 90 Carpenter Recipe for Classical Spear

Ice Cluster 3 12 36 6/1/24 11:33:00 AM
Wind Cluster 3 170 510 6/8/24 9:01:07 PM
Lunar Adamantite Ingot 2 64 128 4/21/24 1:04:55 PM
Integral Lumber 1 1,300 1,300 4/24/23 1:34:16 PM
Mempisang Lumber 3 473 1,419 3/6/23 9:55:16 AM
Endstone Aethersand 1 53 53 2/28/23 10:57:45 PM
Grade 6 Strength Alkahest 2 88 176 7/11/22 7:39:16 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 3,622

Profit/Loss Normal = 7,278

Profit/Loss HQ = 7,378

Current Prices

Price History

Odin Cross Server Data for Classical Spear on Light

Lich 13,058 14 13,114 13,058 7,500 -5,099 7,500 7,500 1 6/22/23 3:01:17 PM
Odin 8,379 19 21,305 8,379 7,959 -420 7,000 39,797 5 6/17/23 1:42:15 PM
Phoenix 15,748 12 19,509 15,748 13,654 -7,789 18,994 68,270 5 5/29/23 12:42:18 PM
Shiva 11,035 17 11,118 11,035 8,426 -3,076 8,855 42,130 5 6/25/23 2:52:13 PM
Zodiark 31,500 9 115,500 31,500 12,099 -23,541 14,900 36,298 3 6/27/23 5:59:42 PM
Twintania 60,816 11 60,816 0 61,084 -52,857 60,966 305,423 5 7/31/22 3:06:21 PM
Alpha 30,448 11 39,899 30,448 37,994 -22,489 38,994 151,979 4 5/30/23 8:58:40 PM
Raiden 13,649 3 20,649 13,649 8,813 -5,690 8,060 44,065 5 6/25/23 6:31:08 AM