Mushroom Saute

Server: Odin

Last Updated: 1/9/23 6:45:58 PM
Search Category: Meals | Item Category: Meal | Sell price to vendor: 28
More Information

Gathering info:

52 300 300 300 838 841 79,680 95 0.50

Level 75 Culinarian Recipe for Mushroom Saute

Fermented Butter 1 682 682 6/11/22 10:19:17 PM
Abalathian Rock Salt 1 378 378 6/17/23 3:23:50 PM
Water Crystal 6 38 228 6/8/24 8:59:53 PM
Creamtop Mushroom 1 262 262 2/27/23 2:01:28 PM
Frantoio Oil 1 210 210 6/20/23 6:55:29 PM
Fire Crystal 7 37 259 10/31/24 5:21:50 PM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 2,019

Profit/Loss Normal = -374

Profit/Loss HQ = -473

Current Prices

Price History

Odin Cross Server Data for Mushroom Saute on Light

Lich 100 212 150 100 121 738 80 34,545 284 12/13/22 12:57:58 PM
Odin 300 52 300 300 838 538 841 79,680 95 1/9/23 6:45:58 PM
Phoenix 315 96 315 315 0 0 0 0 0 3/17/23 12:52:44 PM
Shiva 103 163 126 103 0 0 0 0 0 3/14/23 9:53:57 PM
Zodiark 84 48 91 84 67 754 110 470 7 3/6/23 6:59:49 AM
Twintania 150 569 199 150 304 688 784 80,194 263 6/1/22 4:23:01 AM
Alpha 28 40 1,500 28 987 810 31 19,750 20 5/2/24 9:19:26 AM
Raiden 450 29 840 450 0 0 0 0 0 3/6/23 2:47:36 PM