Pixie Floss

Server: Odin

Last Updated: 6/14/22 11:50:16 AM
Search Category: Cloth | Item Category: Cloth | Sell price to vendor: 2
More Information

Gathering info:

219 509 524 509 632 459 70,796 112 2.00

Level 74 Weaver Recipe for Pixie Floss

Lightning Crystal 3 56 168 6/8/24 8:58:43 PM
Pixie Floss Boll 4 124 496 6/30/22 10:50:40 AM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 664

Profit/Loss Normal = 278

Profit/Loss HQ = 448

Current Prices

Price History

Odin Cross Server Data for Pixie Floss on Light

Lich 129 543 176 129 183 503 189 2,015 11 2/28/23 9:46:53 PM
Odin 509 219 524 509 632 123 459 70,796 112 6/14/22 11:50:16 AM
Phoenix 310 261 1,090 310 223 322 449 14,972 67 9/24/22 5:13:54 AM
Shiva 105 231 2,625 105 96 527 90 10,051 104 9/12/23 1:33:34 PM
Zodiark 438 132 450 438 765 194 438 26,800 35 9/16/23 2:31:56 PM
Twintania 150 338 3,000 150 152 482 400 20,880 137 1/21/23 3:51:37 PM
Raiden 167 44 174 167 253 465 2 9,621 38 2/27/23 10:00:09 PM