Pike of the Demon

Server: Odin

Last Updated: 8/30/21 8:26:13 AM
Search Category: Lancer's Arms | Item Category: Lancer's Arm | Sell price to vendor: 578
More Information

Gathering info:

6 643,925 643,925 0 0 0 0 100.00

Level 60 Carpenter Recipe for Pike of the Demon

High Mythrite Ingot 2 5,980 11,960 9/15/23 11:46:24 AM
Eikon Iron Ingot 2 798 1,596 9/17/23 11:53:06 AM
Treated Camphorwood Lumber 1 6,208 6,208 9/9/23 8:57:35 AM
Ice Cluster 2 12 24 6/1/24 11:33:00 AM
Wind Cluster 3 170 510 6/8/24 9:01:07 PM
Demicrystal 5 368 1,840 2/23/23 1:35:49 PM
Zurvanite Carapace Fragment 1 7,875 7,875 2/25/23 9:17:03 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 30,013

Profit/Loss Normal = 252,704

Profit/Loss HQ = 26,986

Current Prices

Price History

Odin Cross Server Data for Pike of the Demon on Light

Lich 271,093 7 271,093 0 277,000 -271,093 277,000 277,000 1 2/28/22 7:41:38 PM
Odin 643,925 6 643,925 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/30/21 8:26:13 AM
Phoenix 496,636 6 496,636 999,999,999 499,636 -496,636 499,636 499,636 1 9/3/21 1:12:02 AM
Shiva 489,999 2 489,999 0 372,333 -489,999 378,000 1,117,000 3 10/31/21 11:38:14 PM
Zodiark 199,440 3 199,440 0 0 0 0 0 0 2/26/23 12:58:44 PM
Twintania 210,000 1 210,000 0 199,000 -210,000 200,000 398,000 2 2/21/23 9:53:06 AM