Rakshasa Gantai of Scouting

Server: Odin

Last Updated: 9/14/23 10:01:09 AM
Search Category: Head | Item Category: Head | Sell price to vendor: 342
More Information

Gathering info:

11 4,194 4,194 4,200 8,990 8,990 8,990 1 11.00

Level 70 Goldsmith Recipe for Rakshasa Gantai of Scouting

Fire Cluster 2 119 238 6/1/24 11:54:38 AM
Wind Cluster 2 170 340 6/8/24 9:01:07 PM
Bloodhempen Yarn 1 200 200 3/4/23 8:09:57 PM
Evergleam Ingot 2 159 318 1/8/22 10:08:25 AM
Procoptodon Leather 1 399 399 9/3/21 8:48:19 PM
Grade 4 Reisui of Dexterity 1 128 128 6/18/24 12:27:11 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 1,623

Profit/Loss Normal = 6,376

Profit/Loss HQ = 7,367

Desynthesizes into:

Wind Cluster
Fire Cluster

Current Prices

Price History

Odin Cross Server Data for Rakshasa Gantai of Scouting on Light

Lich 7,377 14 7,377 9,998 6,125 1,613 7,000 18,377 3 10/23/21 8:03:19 AM
Odin 4,194 11 4,194 4,200 8,990 4,796 8,990 8,990 1 9/14/23 10:01:09 AM
Phoenix 4,725 12 4,725 0 4,897 4,265 4,897 4,897 1 6/16/23 1:20:13 AM
Shiva 9,447 8 9,447 10,290 8,950 -457 8,950 8,950 1 5/7/23 9:59:35 AM
Zodiark 9,553 10 9,553 9,764 9,242 -563 9,242 9,242 1 4/27/23 5:47:56 PM
Twintania 31,184 4 31,490 31,184 0 0 0 0 0 3/29/23 12:56:25 PM
Alpha 52,370 5 78,213 52,370 0 0 0 0 0 5/1/23 12:06:07 AM