Star Spinel

Server: Odin

Last Updated: 5/23/23 6:56:55 PM
Search Category: Stone | Item Category: Stone | Sell price to vendor: 6
More Information

Gathering info:

159 189 218 189 430 287 2,152 5 31.80

Level 64 Goldsmith Recipe for Star Spinel

Wind Crystal 4 55 220 6/8/24 7:15:45 PM
Raw Star Spinel 3 78 234 6/15/23 4:59:15 PM
Stiperstone 1 285 285 6/1/24 11:58:01 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 739

Profit/Loss Normal = 10

Profit/Loss HQ = 260

Current Prices

Price History

Odin Cross Server Data for Star Spinel on Light

Lich 420 76 493 420 933 10 850 5,600 6 4/28/23 7:48:18 PM
Odin 189 159 218 189 430 241 287 2,152 5 5/23/23 6:56:55 PM
Phoenix 78 115 78 78 100 352 100 600 6 5/27/23 12:32:53 AM
Shiva 1,259 48 1,332 1,259 450 -829 1,100 8,102 18 5/14/23 12:05:22 PM
Zodiark 356 83 357 356 548 74 456 2,743 5 5/21/23 12:43:23 PM
Twintania 150 98 350 150 129 280 450 21,269 164 1/15/22 1:36:11 PM
Alpha 210 11 315 210 183 220 379 5,518 30 5/6/23 1:56:36 AM
Raiden 245 10 245 2,099 0 0 0 0 0 4/5/23 2:58:38 PM