Potent Spiritbond Potion

Server: Odin

Last Updated: 6/8/23 6:54:16 PM
Search Category: Medicine | Item Category: Medicine | Sell price to vendor: 100
More Information

Gathering info:

44 762 762 704 715 9,160 13 3.40

Level 62 Alchemist Recipe for Potent Spiritbond Potion

Lightning Crystal 3 56 168 6/8/24 8:58:43 PM
Water Crystal 3 38 114 6/8/24 8:59:53 PM
Loquat 1 200 200 2/12/22 9:29:17 PM
Sugar Beet 1 293 293 6/16/22 5:13:55 AM
Gyr Abanian Mineral Water 1 236 236 5/9/23 8:34:35 AM
Muud Suud Horn 2 59 118 6/18/22 8:06:37 PM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 1,129

Profit/Loss Normal = 624

Profit/Loss HQ = 834

Current Prices

Price History

Odin Cross Server Data for Potent Spiritbond Potion on Light

Lich 2,099 83 2,099 0 2,798 -1,395 2,797 16,788 6 6/2/23 11:33:57 AM
Odin 762 44 762 0 704 -58 715 9,160 13 6/8/23 6:54:16 PM
Phoenix 4,090 5 4,090 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/10/23 10:20:06 PM
Shiva 1,050 4 1,050 0 1,832 -346 2,000 5,498 3 6/10/23 9:49:13 AM
Zodiark 850 298 850 899 898 -146 898 2,694 3 9/17/23 6:03:45 PM
Twintania 2,619 18 2,619 0 7,889 -1,915 10,000 78,891 10 6/21/23 11:59:34 AM
Raiden 5,250 38 5,250 9,450 9,899 -4,546 9,900 29,697 3 6/5/23 2:58:20 AM