Pine Fishing Rod

Server: Odin

Last Updated: 7/28/21 12:06:55 AM
Search Category: Fisher's Tools | Item Category: Fisher's Primary Tool | Sell price to vendor: 471
More Information

Gathering info:

10 4,571 70,000 4,571 12,920 4,900 180,882 14 0.70

Level 65 Carpenter Recipe for Pine Fishing Rod

Wind Crystal 4 55 220 6/8/24 7:15:45 PM
Durium Nugget 1 7,500 7,500 6/4/23 1:24:16 PM
Ruby Cotton Cloth 1 419 419 2/27/23 10:07:12 AM
Pine Lumber 2 3,465 6,930 9/12/23 2:07:43 PM
Ice Crystal 4 44 176 6/8/24 7:16:01 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 15,245

Profit/Loss Normal = -11,245

Profit/Loss HQ = 4,755

Desynthesizes into:

Wind Crystal
Ice Crystal

Current Prices

Price History

Odin Cross Server Data for Pine Fishing Rod on Light

Lich 3,100 11 38,960 3,100 3,463 9,820 3,471 10,391 3 3/16/22 9:10:36 AM
Odin 4,571 10 70,000 4,571 12,920 8,349 4,900 180,882 14 7/28/21 12:06:55 AM
Phoenix 5,000 7 94,500 5,000 21,354 7,920 4,999 85,417 4 5/5/22 7:42:03 PM
Shiva 1,780 14 49,725 1,780 26,506 11,140 14,900 79,520 3 7/1/22 8:40:50 AM
Zodiark 999 17 49,990 999 13,500 11,921 1,199 54,001 4 6/29/21 1:07:28 PM
Twintania 2,470 21 41,000 2,470 10,709 10,450 2,961 53,549 5 2/20/22 11:26:43 PM
Raiden 105 9 0 105 0 0 0 0 0 3/14/23 12:36:05 AM