Dual-plated Durium Planisphere

Server: Odin

Last Updated: 8/24/20 4:33:46 PM
Search Category: Astrologian's Arms | Item Category: Astrologian's Arm | Sell price to vendor: 597
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Gathering info:

3 20,000 20,000 39,085 40,000 117,257 3 1.00

Level 67 Goldsmith Recipe for Dual-plated Durium Planisphere

Wind Crystal 5 55 275 6/8/24 7:15:45 PM
Enchanted Durium Ink 1 71 71 6/21/23 4:50:56 PM
Koppranickel Ingot 1 299 299 6/4/23 1:18:15 PM
Durium Nugget 1 7,500 7,500 6/4/23 1:24:16 PM
Durium Ingot 3 97 291 6/4/23 1:23:29 PM
Azurite 3 1,994 5,982 6/11/23 7:29:10 PM
Fire Crystal 4 37 148 10/31/24 5:21:50 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 14,566

Profit/Loss Normal = 65,432

Profit/Loss HQ = 10,289

Desynthesizes into:

Durium Ingot
Wind Crystal
Fire Crystal

Current Prices

Price History

Odin Cross Server Data for Dual-plated Durium Planisphere on Light

Lich 44,990 12 44,990 0 33,297 -5,905 20,001 99,891 3 2/28/22 8:11:41 PM
Odin 20,000 3 20,000 0 39,085 19,085 40,000 117,257 3 8/24/20 4:33:46 PM
Phoenix 31,500 1 31,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 5/5/23 10:47:55 PM
Shiva 75,000 4 75,000 77,991 28,996 -35,915 29,998 144,983 5 6/11/22 8:13:20 PM
Zodiark 83,895 2 83,895 0 36,998 -44,810 43,000 147,993 4 6/9/23 8:54:46 PM
Twintania 15,657 5 15,657 0 12,332 23,428 14,999 123,326 10 11/12/21 6:50:12 AM
Alpha 20,474 9 20,474 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/21/23 10:46:23 PM
Raiden 31,499 6 31,499 0 25,449 7,586 30,000 127,248 5 4/22/23 9:48:42 PM