Eikon Cloth Brais of Casting

Server: Odin

Last Updated: 2/25/23 8:43:24 AM
Search Category: Legs | Item Category: Legs | Sell price to vendor: 432
More Information

Gathering info:

15 4,990 4,990 4,998 4,116 3,476 16,467 4 3.80

Level 60 Weaver Recipe for Eikon Cloth Brais of Casting

Aurum Regis Nugget 1 996 996 10/7/23 10:50:23 PM
Crawler Silk 1 1,878 1,878 2/23/23 11:53:54 AM
Grade 1 Intelligence Dissolvent 3 3,164 9,492 5/26/23 6:44:53 PM
Eikon Cloth 2 149 298 3/3/23 5:15:51 PM
Eikon Leather 2 567 1,134 5/30/23 5:58:07 PM
Wind Cluster 2 170 340 6/8/24 9:01:07 PM
Lightning Cluster 3 172 516 6/1/24 11:54:02 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 14,654

Profit/Loss Normal = -5,654

Profit/Loss HQ = -4,655

Desynthesizes into:

Crawler Silk
Lightning Cluster
Wind Cluster

Current Prices

Price History

Odin Cross Server Data for Eikon Cloth Brais of Casting on Light

Lich 3,381 16 3,381 3,465 3,236 735 3,000 9,709 3 6/16/23 4:54:19 PM
Odin 4,990 15 4,990 4,998 4,116 -874 3,476 16,467 4 2/25/23 8:43:24 AM
Phoenix 24,150 11 24,150 0 26,999 -20,034 23,999 53,998 2 6/23/23 12:45:23 PM
Shiva 21,000 4 21,000 21,498 15,000 -16,884 15,000 15,000 1 4/20/23 5:47:14 PM
Zodiark 16,449 13 16,449 53,000 35,550 -12,333 16,990 142,201 4 4/27/22 9:25:41 AM
Twintania 10,395 7 10,395 0 0 0 0 0 0 4/2/23 7:57:13 PM
Raiden 61,950 3 61,950 0 0 0 0 0 0 4/4/23 6:42:37 PM