Grade 3 Intelligence Dissolvent

Server: Odin

Last Updated: 6/14/22 3:53:41 PM
Search Category: Reagents | Item Category: Reagent | Sell price to vendor: 21
More Information

Gathering info:

48 209 209 609 178 188 1,072 6 8.00

Level 60 Alchemist Recipe for Grade 3 Intelligence Dissolvent

Mogpom 2 1,027 2,054 5/26/23 6:54:16 PM
Chysahl Greens 1 42 42 6/13/22 11:16:48 PM
Zeolite Ore 3 72 216 7/28/21 12:30:23 AM
Goblinol 2 69 138 5/16/23 6:45:28 PM
Lightning Cluster 3 172 516 6/1/24 11:54:02 AM
Water Cluster 3 100 300 6/8/24 9:00:46 PM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 3,266

Profit/Loss Normal = -941

Profit/Loss HQ = -765

Current Prices

Price History

Odin Cross Server Data for Grade 3 Intelligence Dissolvent on Light

Lich 1,073 108 1,469 1,073 1,496 -895 1,020 8,979 6 6/14/22 2:46:07 PM
Odin 209 48 209 609 178 -31 188 1,072 6 6/14/22 3:53:41 PM
Phoenix 788 12 788 0 702 -610 740 2,108 3 6/14/23 7:02:34 PM
Shiva 347 38 350 347 355 -169 333 1,065 3 6/26/23 10:54:53 AM
Zodiark 1,470 17 1,470 1,481 1,654 -1,292 2,398 13,237 8 6/14/22 3:28:55 PM
Twintania 3,675 13 3,675 3,938 3,515 -3,497 3,990 28,127 8 5/21/23 8:33:00 PM
Alpha 5,250 1 5,250 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/30/23 9:55:21 AM
Raiden 525 21 620 525 589 -347 590 1,768 3 4/15/23 10:57:50 PM