Hallowed Water

Server: Odin

Last Updated: 6/15/22 5:50:45 AM
Search Category: Reagents | Item Category: Reagent | Sell price to vendor: 2
More Information

Gathering info:

193 53 94 53 50 33 1,458 29 6.70

Level 56 Alchemist Recipe for Hallowed Water

Abalathian Spring Water 2 252 504 5/30/23 5:31:34 PM
Abalathian Mistletoe 2 735 1,470 6/12/23 11:58:47 PM
Water Crystal 5 38 190 6/8/24 8:59:53 PM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 2,164

Profit/Loss Normal = -221

Profit/Loss HQ = -221

Current Prices

Price History

Odin Cross Server Data for Hallowed Water on Light

Lich 1,394 53 1,513 1,394 1,173 -1,344 1,400 216,010 184 1/31/24 4:07:22 AM
Odin 53 193 94 53 50 -3 33 1,458 29 6/15/22 5:50:45 AM
Phoenix 496 367 496 499 770 -446 498 6,163 8 2/28/23 9:38:38 PM
Shiva 410 110 521 410 401 -360 495 67,440 168 2/25/23 9:41:31 AM
Zodiark 85 437 85 95 204 -35 199 32,036 157 9/7/22 1:20:50 AM
Twintania 289 125 298 289 56 -239 100 10,367 185 9/7/22 12:48:28 AM
Alpha 367 445 367 368 1,107 -317 393 224,803 203 2/21/23 6:13:28 AM
Raiden 814 176 903 814 797 -764 869 99,660 125 2/14/23 7:30:58 PM