Dhalmelskin Shoes

Server: Odin

Last Updated: 7/8/22 7:00:25 PM
Search Category: Feet | Item Category: Feet | Sell price to vendor: 118
More Information

Gathering info:

6 80,118 97,029 80,118 35,442 39,990 141,770 4 1.50

Level 56 Leatherworker Recipe for Dhalmelskin Shoes

Wind Crystal 4 55 220 6/8/24 7:15:45 PM
Earth Crystal 5 88 440 6/5/24 9:22:32 PM
Wyvern Leather 1 945 945 10/7/23 2:57:38 AM
Dhalmel Leather 2 995 1,990 3/2/23 6:18:55 PM
Ramie Thread 1 546 546 2/21/23 2:29:55 PM
Rubber 1 99 99 3/5/23 5:36:12 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 4,240

Profit/Loss Normal = 29,759

Profit/Loss HQ = 37,750

Desynthesizes into:

Wyvern Leather
Earth Crystal
Wind Crystal

Current Prices

Price History

Odin Cross Server Data for Dhalmelskin Shoes on Light

Lich 15,750 6 73,143 15,750 35,485 19,692 35,490 177,427 5 6/16/22 3:46:38 AM
Odin 80,118 6 97,029 80,118 35,442 -44,676 39,990 141,770 4 7/8/22 7:00:25 PM
Phoenix 25,550 7 25,550 0 22,493 9,892 25,500 179,945 8 7/9/22 11:31:54 AM
Shiva 32,990 6 32,990 33,990 32,350 2,452 30,000 64,700 2 12/4/22 12:45:02 PM
Zodiark 19,833 11 26,250 19,833 18,150 15,609 17,018 90,752 5 6/16/22 4:37:59 AM
Twintania 30,000 6 34,994 30,000 0 0 0 0 0 3/21/23 3:54:04 PM
Raiden 41,895 3 41,895 0 42,000 -6,453 42,000 210,000 5 2/6/23 1:03:49 PM