Titanium Mask of Fending

Server: Odin

Last Updated: 4/3/23 2:59:41 AM
Search Category: Head | Item Category: Head | Sell price to vendor: 157
More Information

Gathering info:

3 51,631 51,631 0 0 0 0 100.00

Level 54 Armorer Recipe for Titanium Mask of Fending

Earth Crystal 3 88 264 6/5/24 9:22:32 PM
Titanium Nugget 2 1,200 2,400 6/2/23 3:54:49 PM
Titanium Rivets 1 1,260 1,260 6/25/23 7:53:41 PM
Rose Gold Nugget 1 1,149 1,149 6/4/23 1:22:15 PM
Ice Crystal 4 44 176 6/8/24 7:16:01 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 5,249

Profit/Loss Normal = 7,651

Profit/Loss HQ = 5,746

Desynthesizes into:

Clear Demimateria III
Ice Crystal
Earth Crystal

Current Prices

Price History

Odin Cross Server Data for Titanium Mask of Fending on Light

Lich 44,620 5 44,623 44,620 16,052 -44,620 2,999 48,156 3 6/14/22 2:44:31 PM
Odin 51,631 3 51,631 0 0 0 0 0 0 4/3/23 2:59:41 AM
Phoenix 6,000 8 8,000 6,000 8,475 -6,000 9,900 33,900 4 6/26/21 9:59:56 PM
Shiva 41,999 2 41,999 0 15,500 -41,999 30,000 46,500 3 6/14/22 1:55:36 PM
Zodiark 39,375 3 39,375 0 29,999 -39,375 29,999 29,999 1 4/23/23 4:58:29 PM
Twintania 48,173 2 48,173 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/31/23 8:38:43 AM
Alpha 75,000 1 75,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 9/1/22 10:34:53 PM
Raiden 66,148 3 66,148 0 62,700 -66,148 62,700 62,700 1 4/13/23 1:41:24 PM