Adamantite Scutum

Server: Odin

Last Updated: 5/3/21 12:42:41 PM
Search Category: Shields | Item Category: Shield | Sell price to vendor: 104
More Information

Gathering info:

14 8,799 8,799 15,633 9,001 46,901 3 4.70

Level 59 Armorer Recipe for Adamantite Scutum

Earth Crystal 5 88 440 6/5/24 9:22:32 PM
Titanium Ingot 2 2,540 5,080 3/2/23 11:19:07 PM
Adamantite Nugget 2 609 1,218 9/12/23 9:33:21 PM
Amphiptere Leather 1 393 393 10/3/23 12:57:46 PM
Rose Gold Nugget 1 1,149 1,149 6/4/23 1:22:15 PM
Ice Crystal 5 44 220 6/8/24 7:16:01 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 8,500

Profit/Loss Normal = 5,100

Profit/Loss HQ = 11,500

Desynthesizes into:

Rose Gold Nugget
Ice Crystal
Earth Crystal

Current Prices

Price History

Odin Cross Server Data for Adamantite Scutum on Light

Lich 5,999 4 5,999 0 5,099 9,634 5,899 81,594 16 9/19/21 7:06:32 AM
Odin 8,799 14 8,799 0 15,633 6,834 9,001 46,901 3 5/3/21 12:42:41 PM
Phoenix 327,075 1 327,075 0 39,999 -311,442 39,999 39,999 1 6/24/23 6:59:58 AM
Shiva 12,000 4 14,999 12,000 9,982 3,633 9,999 29,947 3 11/2/23 2:11:41 PM
Zodiark 1,000 14 1,000 1,517 868 14,633 969 6,951 8 7/9/20 10:02:30 PM
Twintania 25,000 1 25,000 0 9,371 -9,367 9,115 28,115 3 6/3/22 10:56:48 PM
Raiden 20,998 3 20,998 0 0 0 0 0 0 7/1/23 6:40:17 AM