Wootz Sollerets

Server: Moogle

Last Updated: 4/10/22 7:57:46 AM
Search Category: Feet | Item Category: Feet | Sell price to vendor: 130
More Information

Gathering info:

7 899 899 949 900 1,899 2 3.50

Level 50 Armorer Recipe for Wootz Sollerets

Ice Cluster 2 24 48 6/16/22 2:07:19 AM
Earth Cluster 2 124 248 6/26/24 6:27:17 AM
Hippogryph Leather 1 230 230 2/19/25 12:32:11 PM
Wolfram Ingot 1 6,300 6,300 9/13/23 12:53:04 AM
Wootz Ingot 3 241 723 2/28/23 12:52:58 AM
Platinum Nugget 1 2,415 2,415 6/22/23 12:44:58 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 9,964

Profit/Loss Normal = -6,345

Profit/Loss HQ = -6,665

Desynthesizes into:

Wolfram Ingot
Ice Cluster
Earth Cluster

Current Prices

Price History

Moogle Cross Server Data for Wootz Sollerets on Chaos

Cerberus 3,000 16 3,100 3,000 2,571 -2,051 2,999 15,431 6 11/10/21 9:52:33 PM
Louisoix 36,749 1 36,749 0 0 0 0 0 0 10/5/23 10:25:38 PM
Moogle 899 7 899 0 949 50 900 1,899 2 4/10/22 7:57:46 AM
Omega 6,000 3 0 6,000 3,784 -5,051 4,143 15,136 4 12/26/20 6:57:22 PM
Ragnarok 1,299 17 1,999 1,299 1,418 -350 1,300 4,255 3 2/1/21 4:25:33 PM
Spriggan 2,222 7 2,489 2,222 1,824 -1,273 2,000 12,769 7 2/27/21 12:44:06 PM
Phantom 8,994 5 9,395 8,994 9,000 -8,045 9,000 9,000 1 12/18/22 7:42:59 PM