Wall Planter

Server: Moogle

Last Updated: 6/20/23 4:50:11 AM
Search Category: Wall-mounted | Item Category: Wall-mounted | Sell price to vendor: 60
More Information

Gathering info:

37 51,922 51,922 51,328 49,440 256,640 5 7.40

Level 27 Alchemist Recipe for Wall Planter

Iron Rivets 2 130 260 2/13/25 7:28:40 PM
Walnut Lumber 2 250 500 6/25/22 9:43:06 AM
Humus 3 683 2,049 6/11/22 3:13:32 PM
Lightning Shard 2 48 96 9/29/23 3:41:19 PM
Water Shard 3 64 192 9/29/23 3:42:20 PM
Island Seedling 3 940 2,820 5/12/23 12:50:22 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 5,917

Profit/Loss Normal = 46,918

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

90 Seabed Ceiling Lamp

Current Prices

Price History

Moogle Cross Server Data for Wall Planter on Chaos

Cerberus 10,500 32 0 10,500 12,999 40,828 13,000 64,996 5 6/23/23 5:49:46 PM
Louisoix 27,291 24 0 27,291 26,121 24,037 25,960 261,219 10 6/23/23 2:59:54 PM
Moogle 51,922 37 0 51,922 51,328 -594 49,440 256,640 5 6/20/23 4:50:11 AM
Omega 17,700 50 0 17,700 18,988 33,628 17,799 379,771 20 4/22/24 6:51:23 PM
Ragnarok 26,096 19 0 26,096 25,653 25,232 24,853 128,265 5 6/23/23 5:47:44 PM
Spriggan 47,249 6 0 47,249 29,934 4,079 44,998 449,022 15 6/16/23 7:59:13 PM
Sagittarius 20,988 31 0 20,988 20,395 30,340 21,998 101,978 5 6/9/23 10:58:48 PM
Phantom 27,360 38 0 27,360 26,758 23,968 27,359 829,504 31 4/28/24 10:45:19 AM