Magic Broom

Server: Moogle

Last Updated: 1/3/24 4:15:19 PM
Search Category: Minions | Item Category: Minion | Sell price to vendor: 60
More Information

Gathering info:

7 14,000 14,000 8,609 5,500 94,704 11 0.60

Level 50 Carpenter Recipe for Magic Broom

Wind Shard 99 36 3,564 10/21/24 10:58:13 PM
Rosewood Branch 1 100 100 4/30/22 8:42:54 AM
Ancient Lumber 1 3,739 3,739 2/20/25 10:37:05 PM
Glazenut 1 16,998 16,998 9/20/23 7:26:09 PM
Broombush 1 11,549 11,549 3/6/23 5:50:57 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 35,950

Profit/Loss Normal = -30,450

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Moogle Cross Server Data for Magic Broom on Chaos

Cerberus 14,060 8 0 14,060 11,056 -5,451 15,960 221,132 20 6/8/24 11:55:20 AM
Louisoix 9,344 20 0 9,344 8,956 -735 8,630 98,523 11 2/28/23 2:33:35 PM
Moogle 14,000 7 0 14,000 8,609 -5,391 5,500 94,704 11 1/3/24 4:15:19 PM
Omega 10,200 13 0 10,200 9,984 -1,591 9,995 49,922 5 2/25/23 11:43:48 PM
Ragnarok 11,550 18 0 11,550 9,505 -2,941 11,000 133,083 14 2/23/23 5:07:28 AM
Spriggan 8,819 12 0 8,819 4,641 -210 7,660 92,824 20 6/11/24 3:34:31 PM
Sagittarius 21,000 8 0 21,000 17,934 -12,391 20,990 143,476 8 2/19/23 2:54:17 PM
Phantom 14,250 10 0 14,250 14,387 -5,641 14,249 129,487 9 5/28/24 3:22:29 PM