Cashmere Skirt of Aiming

Server: Moogle

Last Updated: 2/18/23 9:00:35 PM
Search Category: Legs | Item Category: Legs | Sell price to vendor: 177
More Information

Gathering info:

14 799 972 799 798 798 798 1 14.00

Level 50 Weaver Recipe for Cashmere Skirt of Aiming

Wind Cluster 1 103 103 10/3/23 4:47:57 AM
Lightning Cluster 2 60 120 6/14/22 9:09:00 AM
Rose Gold Nugget 1 692 692 1/13/24 11:01:50 AM
Hippogryph Leather 1 230 230 2/19/25 12:32:11 PM
Undyed Felt 1 3,200 3,200 5/23/24 5:38:41 PM
Silk Thread 1 445 445 12/29/23 4:59:22 PM
Cashmere Cloth 2 252 504 6/16/23 11:46:30 PM
Terminus Putty 2 1,983 3,966 5/11/23 11:48:46 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 9,260

Profit/Loss Normal = -8,286

Profit/Loss HQ = -8,290

Desynthesizes into:

Undyed Felt
Lightning Cluster
Wind Cluster

Current Prices

Price History

Moogle Cross Server Data for Cashmere Skirt of Aiming on Chaos

Cerberus 2,623 26 2,623 2,623 2,545 -1,825 2,490 5,090 2 4/29/23 10:06:36 AM
Louisoix 500 13 500 1,000 1,900 298 1,900 1,900 1 11/3/24 5:49:02 AM
Moogle 799 14 972 799 798 -1 798 798 1 2/18/23 9:00:35 PM
Omega 496 22 497 496 300 302 497 2,403 8 1/1/22 10:56:18 PM
Ragnarok 186 6 932 186 1,529 612 1,552 6,116 4 4/23/23 4:56:07 PM
Spriggan 525 12 525 1,570 0 0 0 0 0 9/13/23 1:40:26 PM
Sagittarius 944 5 2,100 944 917 -146 450 4,587 5 4/21/23 8:49:34 AM
Phantom 3,989 17 3,989 4,095 6,072 -3,191 3,177 36,433 6 5/1/23 12:53:01 PM