Saurian Tabard of Aiming

Server: Moogle

Last Updated: 12/27/21 9:15:40 PM
Search Category: Body | Item Category: Body | Sell price to vendor: 177
More Information

Gathering info:

19 176 176 400 121 150 727 6 3.20

Level 50 Leatherworker Recipe for Saurian Tabard of Aiming

Wind Cluster 1 103 103 10/3/23 4:47:57 AM
Earth Cluster 2 124 248 6/26/24 6:27:17 AM
Rose Gold Nugget 1 692 692 1/13/24 11:01:50 AM
Darksteel Rings 1 89 89 4/26/23 11:37:04 AM
Hippogryph Leather 1 230 230 2/19/25 12:32:11 PM
Saurian Leather 2 210 420 3/4/23 1:57:16 PM
Terminus Putty 2 1,983 3,966 5/11/23 11:48:46 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 5,748

Profit/Loss Normal = -4,758

Profit/Loss HQ = -4,753

50 Augmented Saurian Tabard of Aiming

Desynthesizes into:

Terminus Putty
Earth Cluster
Wind Cluster

Current Prices

Price History

Moogle Cross Server Data for Saurian Tabard of Aiming on Chaos

Cerberus 987 16 987 1,260 874 -866 949 1,749 2 2/28/23 11:47:03 PM
Louisoix 699 23 699 699 800 -578 177 11,210 14 6/18/22 11:19:42 AM
Moogle 176 19 176 400 121 -55 150 727 6 12/27/21 9:15:40 PM
Omega 100 20 100 200 390 21 390 390 1 12/18/21 12:12:52 PM
Ragnarok 1,469 14 1,469 3,675 0 0 0 0 0 3/2/23 3:40:33 AM
Spriggan 893 14 1,365 893 668 -772 744 4,013 6 2/27/23 12:07:04 PM
Sagittarius 189 5 189 0 0 0 0 0 0 2/27/23 11:35:54 AM