Carbuncle Desk

Server: Moogle

Last Updated: 6/19/23 2:00:06 PM
Search Category: Tables | Item Category: Table | Sell price to vendor: 60
More Information

Gathering info:

16 699 699 977 1,000 4,887 5 3.20

Level 50 Carpenter Recipe for Carbuncle Desk

Ice Cluster 1 24 24 6/16/22 2:07:19 AM
Wind Cluster 2 103 206 10/3/23 4:47:57 AM
Ruby 1 3 3 6/19/23 3:59:59 PM
Undyed Woolen Cloth 6 1,400 8,400 2/13/25 7:33:52 PM
Mahogany Lumber 4 500 2,000 5/4/23 2:59:12 PM
Spruce Lumber 4 2,000 8,000 2/18/25 11:12:58 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 18,633

Profit/Loss Normal = -17,633

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Moogle Cross Server Data for Carbuncle Desk on Chaos

Cerberus 1,627 18 0 1,627 1,205 -650 470 7,232 6 6/25/23 6:59:27 PM
Louisoix 794 18 0 794 1,060 183 1,060 1,060 1 9/27/23 8:51:16 AM
Moogle 699 16 0 699 977 278 1,000 4,887 5 6/19/23 2:00:06 PM
Omega 1,413 8 0 1,413 491 -436 108 2,458 5 6/22/23 3:43:37 AM
Ragnarok 998 19 0 998 998 -21 1,000 5,993 6 6/23/24 9:35:30 AM
Spriggan 1,040 22 0 1,040 931 -63 1,000 4,657 5 6/18/23 9:54:44 AM
Sagittarius 1,113 11 0 1,113 296 -136 699 1,778 6 6/17/23 11:28:55 PM
Phantom 578 17 0 578 537 399 599 2,686 5 6/21/23 5:54:07 PM