Rose Gold Ingot

Server: Moogle

Last Updated: 6/17/24 4:16:34 PM
Search Category: Metal | Item Category: Metal | Sell price to vendor: 3
More Information

Gathering info:

615 50 50 50 134 113 18,024 134 4.60

Level 50 Goldsmith Recipe for Rose Gold Ingot

Wind Cluster 1 103 103 10/3/23 4:47:57 AM
Rose Gold Nugget 2 692 1,384 1/13/24 11:01:50 AM
Peacock Ore 9 369 3,321 2/18/25 11:03:34 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 4,808

Profit/Loss Normal = -4,695

Profit/Loss HQ = -4,664

Current Prices

Price History

Moogle Cross Server Data for Rose Gold Ingot on Chaos

Cerberus 840 432 840 998 1,143 -706 650 94,898 83 6/16/22 1:27:10 AM
Louisoix 70 2,956 95 70 217 64 119 95,058 438 11/10/24 9:28:02 AM
Moogle 50 615 50 50 134 84 113 18,024 134 6/17/24 4:16:34 PM
Omega 180 843 349 180 116 -46 150 42,862 369 6/5/24 9:06:34 AM
Ragnarok 598 325 1,194 598 1,121 -464 850 187,210 167 10/16/23 10:53:08 PM
Spriggan 990 2,554 999 990 1,037 -856 1,000 219,951 212 2/18/23 1:00:47 PM
Sagittarius 159 350 159 160 1,096 -25 1,500 761,953 695 10/16/23 10:53:37 PM
Phantom 2,000 132 2,000 2,300 1,591 -1,866 2,275 89,101 56 2/11/23 12:12:02 AM