Smooth Butter

Server: Moogle

Last Updated: 5/26/23 4:49:46 PM
Search Category: Ingredients | Item Category: Ingredient | Sell price to vendor: 1
More Information

Gathering info:

616 99 525 99 194 1,998 20,810 107 5.80

Level 7 Culinarian Recipe for Smooth Butter

Fire Shard 1 58 58 9/29/23 3:43:00 PM
Buffalo Milk 2 147 294 2/13/25 7:28:33 PM

Total Price to Craft 5 : 352

Profit/Loss Normal = 380

Profit/Loss HQ = -28

Current Prices

Price History

Moogle Cross Server Data for Smooth Butter on Chaos

Cerberus 300 144 400 300 190 -106 400 39,786 209 9/26/23 6:30:43 AM
Louisoix 145 217 150 145 48 49 144 35,950 739 1/24/24 12:52:26 AM
Moogle 99 616 525 99 194 95 1,998 20,810 107 5/26/23 4:49:46 PM
Omega 57 516 63 57 69 137 100 7,339 105 6/4/23 4:54:12 PM
Ragnarok 52 198 1,050 52 0 0 0 0 0 6/20/23 2:39:19 PM
Spriggan 50 971 103 50 41 144 48 7,162 171 5/14/23 6:51:15 PM
Sagittarius 93 70 93 158 44 101 30 1,782 40 6/9/23 5:54:27 PM
Phantom 15 2,805 15 15 13 179 13 3,252 249 9/12/23 1:22:49 PM