Garnet Ring

Server: Moogle

Last Updated: 3/23/22 11:49:47 PM
Search Category: Rings | Item Category: Ring | Sell price to vendor: 30
More Information

Gathering info:

1 350,000 350,000 14,224 14,000 142,248 10 0.10

Level 39 Goldsmith Recipe for Garnet Ring

Fire Shard 4 58 232 9/29/23 3:43:00 PM
Wind Shard 5 36 180 10/21/24 10:58:13 PM
Mythril Ingot 1 200 200 2/18/25 4:28:54 AM
Garnet 1 6 6 4/19/23 10:36:32 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 618

Profit/Loss Normal = 24,382

Profit/Loss HQ = 24,297

Desynthesizes into:

Battlecraft Demimateria I
Wind Shard
Fire Shard

Current Prices

Price History

Moogle Cross Server Data for Garnet Ring on Chaos

Cerberus 5,200 8 20,000 5,200 15,000 9,024 15,000 15,000 1 5/14/23 3:32:56 PM
Louisoix 17,850 1 17,850 0 18,833 -3,626 20,500 56,500 3 6/10/23 5:54:40 PM
Moogle 350,000 1 0 350,000 14,224 -335,776 14,000 142,248 10 3/23/22 11:49:47 PM
Omega 38,325 2 38,325 39,663 36,495 -24,101 36,495 36,495 1 6/21/23 9:38:55 PM
Ragnarok 28,030 8 30,000 28,030 26,815 -13,806 25,000 455,860 17 8/10/21 3:31:51 PM
Spriggan 0 0 0 0 19,193 14,224 20,000 57,580 3 10/20/21 3:30:26 AM
Sagittarius 5,250 7 5,250 0 23,998 8,974 99,990 119,990 5 6/23/23 6:59:50 PM
Phantom 21,000 5 21,000 21,000 19,026 -6,776 15,033 95,132 5 4/18/23 11:53:11 PM