Enigma Partition

Server: Moogle

Last Updated: 2/24/25 2:58:07 PM
Search Category: Furnishings | Item Category: Furnishing | Sell price to vendor: 90
More Information

Gathering info:

36 15,985 15,985 0 0 0 0 100.00

Level 90 Blacksmith Recipe for Enigma Partition

Earth Crystal 32 16 512 10/21/24 10:54:49 PM
Bismuth Ingot 4 845 3,380 2/19/25 5:21:56 PM
Chondrite Ingot 5 889 4,445 6/10/24 9:19:29 PM
Phrygian Gold Ingot 3 1,990 5,970 1/28/24 10:34:31 PM
Star Quartz 3 989 2,967 2/13/25 7:33:29 PM
Fire Crystal 32 97 3,104 6/24/24 9:20:56 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 20,378

Profit/Loss Normal = -4,393

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Moogle Cross Server Data for Enigma Partition on Chaos

Cerberus 2,999 26 0 2,999 2,558 -2,999 1,090 38,376 15 6/3/24 8:59:11 PM
Louisoix 2,498 18 0 2,498 2,082 -2,498 2,700 41,654 20 6/16/24 8:57:39 PM
Moogle 15,985 36 0 15,985 0 0 0 0 0 2/24/25 2:58:07 PM
Omega 4,100 12 0 4,100 2,728 -4,100 3,099 54,578 20 6/5/24 1:03:43 AM
Ragnarok 3,973 31 0 3,973 3,255 -3,973 3,900 35,814 11 6/27/23 1:57:01 PM
Spriggan 2,550 34 0 2,550 2,429 -2,550 2,430 12,149 5 6/26/23 7:49:28 PM
Sagittarius 10,395 12 0 10,395 7,599 -10,395 9,999 37,995 5 6/24/23 10:58:39 PM
Phantom 11,667 10 0 11,667 2,997 -11,667 4,996 14,989 5 6/26/23 10:57:55 AM