Rinascita Pendulums

Server: Moogle

Last Updated: 6/10/23 12:58:56 PM
Search Category: Item Type: Clever Tool | Sell price to vendor: 709
More Information

Gathering info:

6 94,500 452,550 94,500 99,000 99,000 99,000 1 6.00

Level 90 Goldsmith Recipe for Rinascita Pendulums

Fire Cluster 3 200 600 6/26/24 6:08:42 AM
Wind Cluster 3 103 309 10/3/23 4:47:57 AM
Star Quartz 1 989 989 2/13/25 7:33:29 PM
Endtide Aethersand 1 3 3 6/18/24 10:34:42 AM
Rutilated Quartz 2 6 12 6/10/24 5:46:58 PM
Ilmenite Ingot 3 1,619 4,857 6/1/24 8:32:10 AM
Grade 7 Mind Alkahest 2 504 1,008 2/23/23 1:02:36 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 7,778

Profit/Loss Normal = 40,521

Profit/Loss HQ = 92,222

Current Prices

Price History

Moogle Cross Server Data for Rinascita Pendulums on Chaos

Cerberus 39,999 2 0 39,999 32,578 59,001 40,000 358,368 11 6/17/24 8:02:19 PM
Louisoix 157,500 13 234,150 157,500 175,463 -58,500 172,990 877,316 5 6/3/23 4:11:05 PM
Moogle 94,500 6 452,550 94,500 99,000 4,500 99,000 99,000 1 6/10/23 12:58:56 PM
Omega 104,685 9 0 104,685 119,707 -5,685 99,750 598,539 5 6/9/23 3:53:19 PM
Ragnarok 498,750 2 498,750 0 95,770 -399,750 148,929 478,852 5 5/14/23 12:54:58 PM
Spriggan 141,746 5 252,000 141,746 135,964 -42,746 134,899 407,894 3 6/11/23 3:54:55 PM
Sagittarius 240,417 3 240,417 0 228,972 -141,417 228,972 228,972 1 4/28/23 5:07:14 PM
Phantom 210,000 4 210,000 246,750 139,872 -111,000 52,999 839,235 6 5/26/23 4:51:45 PM