Pactmaker's Alembic

Server: Moogle

Last Updated: 10/30/22 8:08:32 AM
Search Category: Alchemist's Tools | Item Category: Alchemist's Primary Tool | Sell price to vendor: 709
More Information

Gathering info:

10 70,709 99,203 70,709 71,164 99,238 1,209,802 17 0.60

Level 90 Armorer Recipe for Pactmaker's Alembic

Ice Cluster 3 24 72 6/16/22 2:07:19 AM
Earth Cluster 3 124 372 6/26/24 6:27:17 AM
Lunar Adamantite Ingot 3 100 300 6/1/24 8:32:02 AM
Star Quartz 1 989 989 2/13/25 7:33:29 PM
Endwood Aethersand 1 98 98 1/2/24 6:56:46 AM
Eblan Danburite 3 100 300 6/10/24 9:21:07 PM
Immutable Solution 2 1,400 2,800 2/13/25 7:34:07 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 4,931

Profit/Loss Normal = 50,069

Profit/Loss HQ = 20,067

Current Prices

Price History

Moogle Cross Server Data for Pactmaker's Alembic on Chaos

Cerberus 30,001 8 100,762 30,001 76,771 41,163 100,742 1,535,433 20 10/30/22 8:05:17 AM
Louisoix 104,895 1 104,895 0 99,900 -33,731 99,900 199,800 2 4/11/23 9:22:42 PM
Moogle 70,709 10 99,203 70,709 71,164 455 99,238 1,209,802 17 10/30/22 8:08:32 AM
Omega 97,853 6 97,853 0 98,219 -26,689 97,861 982,193 10 10/30/22 8:14:03 AM
Spriggan 437,985 5 437,985 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/10/23 12:58:18 AM
Sagittarius 96,841 6 96,841 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/24/23 10:49:42 PM
Phantom 141,750 2 0 141,750 0 0 0 0 0 4/22/23 4:41:35 PM