Classical Ring of Aiming

Server: Moogle

Last Updated: 5/16/23 5:48:04 AM
Search Category: Rings | Item Category: Ring | Sell price to vendor: 296
More Information

Gathering info:

7 40,950 68,250 40,950 33,166 39,500 99,499 3 2.30

Level 90 Goldsmith Recipe for Classical Ring of Aiming

Fire Cluster 3 200 600 6/26/24 6:08:42 AM
Wind Cluster 3 103 309 10/3/23 4:47:57 AM
Star Quartz 1 989 989 2/13/25 7:33:29 PM
Rhodium Ingot 2 300 600 6/1/24 8:35:06 AM
Endtide Aethersand 1 3 3 6/18/24 10:34:42 AM
Grade 6 Dexterity Alkahest 1 180 180 2/20/25 10:36:09 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 2,681

Profit/Loss Normal = 82,319

Profit/Loss HQ = 46,319

Current Prices

Price History

Moogle Cross Server Data for Classical Ring of Aiming on Chaos

Cerberus 34,649 6 0 34,649 34,899 -1,483 35,000 174,498 5 5/22/23 8:56:37 PM
Louisoix 177,777 4 380,000 177,777 0 0 0 0 0 3/30/23 7:26:43 PM
Moogle 40,950 7 68,250 40,950 33,166 -7,784 39,500 99,499 3 5/16/23 5:48:04 AM
Omega 73,499 5 157,500 73,499 79,939 -40,333 39,900 399,696 5 5/22/23 11:37:59 PM
Ragnarok 31,811 1 0 31,811 59,599 1,355 60,000 297,999 5 6/7/23 7:42:42 PM
Spriggan 36,750 6 0 36,750 43,129 -3,584 39,999 215,647 5 6/21/23 5:53:29 PM
Sagittarius 41,999 6 0 41,999 29,532 -8,833 29,600 88,597 3 6/25/23 7:11:58 PM
Phantom 15,000 3 0 15,000 17,487 18,166 15,000 69,950 4 9/3/22 11:19:33 PM