Gajaskin Jacket of Aiming

Server: Moogle

Last Updated: 12/11/21 8:42:30 AM
Search Category: Body | Item Category: Body | Sell price to vendor: 650
More Information

Gathering info:

20 8,000 8,000 24,000 9,214 9,400 184,295 20 1.00

Level 81 Leatherworker Recipe for Gajaskin Jacket of Aiming

Wind Crystal 7 38 266 10/21/24 10:53:57 PM
Earth Crystal 8 16 128 10/21/24 10:54:49 PM
Dwarven Mythril Ingot 1 850 850 2/18/25 11:12:42 AM
Sea Swallow Leather 1 2,480 2,480 7/1/22 6:48:07 PM
Dark Hempen Cloth 1 1,200 1,200 9/27/24 12:51:36 AM
Gaja Leather 3 3,494 10,482 11/5/24 5:51:06 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 15,406

Profit/Loss Normal = 0

Profit/Loss HQ = 2,593

Current Prices

Price History

Moogle Cross Server Data for Gajaskin Jacket of Aiming on Chaos

Cerberus 73,500 1 73,500 0 74,497 -64,286 77,777 223,492 3 5/4/23 9:31:15 PM
Louisoix 30,000 10 30,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 4/5/23 11:54:58 AM
Moogle 8,000 20 8,000 24,000 9,214 1,214 9,400 184,295 20 12/11/21 8:42:30 AM
Omega 39,899 13 39,899 0 40,472 -30,685 37,990 202,364 5 6/10/22 2:47:39 AM
Ragnarok 33,000 4 33,000 0 25,253 -23,786 31,263 429,307 17 2/23/22 8:39:49 PM
Spriggan 9,800 23 9,800 0 8,492 -586 8,000 297,250 35 12/9/21 8:03:11 AM
Phantom 99,749 2 99,749 0 94,949 -90,535 94,999 189,899 2 5/4/23 12:53:01 PM