Augmented Himeros

Server: Moogle

Last Updated: 6/4/23 4:50:18 AM
Search Category: Astrologian's Arms | Item Category: Astrologian's Arm | Sell price to vendor: 709
More Information

Gathering info:

1 985,949 985,949 499,999 500,000 999,999 2 0.50

Level 80 Goldsmith Recipe for Augmented Himeros

Wind Crystal 7 38 266 10/21/24 10:53:57 PM
Kingcraft Demimateria 8 2,993 23,944 6/4/24 12:00:55 PM
Tungsten Steel Ingot 1 775 775 6/10/24 9:30:09 PM
Prismatic Ingot 4 596 2,384 2/13/25 7:33:20 PM
Onyx 1 1,500 1,500 2/21/25 3:58:34 AM
Hades's Auracite 1 600,000 600,000 1/2/24 9:04:39 PM
Fire Crystal 7 97 679 6/24/24 9:20:56 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 629,548

Profit/Loss Normal = 161,161

Profit/Loss HQ = -79,547

Current Prices

Price History

Moogle Cross Server Data for Augmented Himeros on Chaos

Cerberus 793,333 1 793,333 0 1,000,000 -293,334 1,000,000 1,000,000 1 6/6/23 3:31:32 AM
Louisoix 723,443 4 723,443 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/23/23 11:59:35 PM
Moogle 985,949 1 985,949 0 499,999 -485,950 500,000 999,999 2 6/4/23 4:50:18 AM
Omega 661,499 1 661,499 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/24/23 12:39:37 PM
Ragnarok 1,574,999 1 1,574,999 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/19/23 2:59:16 PM
Spriggan 546,509 2 546,509 0 520,486 -46,510 520,485 1,040,973 2 4/16/23 6:47:27 PM
Phantom 629,999 5 629,999 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/21/23 2:43:13 AM