Factory Flooring

Server: Moogle

Last Updated: 5/11/23 1:48:27 AM
Search Category: Interior Fixtures | Item Category: Flooring | Sell price to vendor: 150
More Information

Gathering info:

18 3,502 3,502 2,808 3,001 14,042 5 3.60

Level 80 Armorer Recipe for Factory Flooring

Earth Crystal 7 16 112 10/21/24 10:54:49 PM
Dwarven Mythril Ingot 12 850 10,200 2/18/25 11:12:42 AM
Weathering Agent 2 1,990 3,980 2/20/25 10:37:06 PM
Cobalt Plate 4 2,999 11,996 1/22/23 10:54:32 AM
Ice Crystal 7 100 700 6/24/24 9:21:18 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 26,988

Profit/Loss Normal = -23,001

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Desynthesizes into:

Cobalt Plate
Ice Crystal
Earth Crystal

Current Prices

Price History

Moogle Cross Server Data for Factory Flooring on Chaos

Cerberus 7,338 13 0 7,338 2,180 -4,530 2,398 10,900 5 6/11/23 2:49:05 PM
Louisoix 1,359 22 0 1,359 1,075 1,449 1,150 5,376 5 6/19/23 1:34:24 PM
Moogle 3,502 18 0 3,502 2,808 -694 3,001 14,042 5 5/11/23 1:48:27 AM
Omega 2,205 23 0 2,205 2,078 603 2,000 10,394 5 5/26/23 12:50:13 PM
Ragnarok 2,545 27 0 2,545 1,839 263 1,500 9,198 5 6/23/23 1:52:16 PM
Spriggan 1,444 32 0 1,444 1,106 1,364 960 3,319 3 6/11/23 11:58:16 AM
Sagittarius 1,562 17 0 1,562 1,046 1,246 1 2,092 2 5/27/23 2:44:53 PM
Phantom 2,258 13 0 2,258 1,490 550 2,510 5,960 4 5/18/23 4:31:19 PM