Horn Fishing Rod

Server: Moogle

Last Updated: 4/23/22 9:16:35 AM
Search Category: Fisher's Tools | Item Category: Fisher's Primary Tool | Sell price to vendor: 64
More Information

Gathering info:

4 500 5,000 500 1,954 100 15,638 8 0.50

Level 37 Carpenter Recipe for Horn Fishing Rod

Walnut Fishing Rod 1 47,249 47,249 5/9/23 11:06:28 AM
Ice Shard 4 67 268 9/29/23 3:38:20 PM
Wind Shard 4 36 144 10/21/24 10:58:13 PM
Steel Ingot 1 530 530 7/1/22 5:20:48 PM
Aldgoat Horn 1 394 394 6/19/24 5:39:32 AM
Fish Oil 1 2 2 5/11/22 9:18:49 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 48,587

Profit/Loss Normal = -47,847

Profit/Loss HQ = -12,216

Desynthesizes into:

Walnut Fishing Rod
Wind Shard
Ice Shard

Current Prices

Price History

Moogle Cross Server Data for Horn Fishing Rod on Chaos

Cerberus 1,699 6 39,999 1,699 4,499 255 5,499 13,499 3 5/6/23 7:11:19 PM
Louisoix 4,990 7 23,000 4,990 0 0 0 0 0 10/25/24 1:56:42 AM
Moogle 500 4 5,000 500 1,954 1,454 100 15,638 8 4/23/22 9:16:35 AM
Omega 1,064 4 0 1,064 20,499 890 39,999 40,999 2 2/10/25 7:29:34 PM
Ragnarok 2,414 8 20,998 2,414 0 0 0 0 0 6/24/23 10:52:19 PM
Spriggan 64 10 15,000 64 2,261 1,890 2,664 15,828 7 9/1/21 3:32:15 PM
Sagittarius 788 11 0 788 899 1,166 799 1,798 2 4/23/23 11:29:13 AM