True Linen Breeches of Aiming

Server: Moogle

Last Updated: 5/4/22 7:39:25 PM
Search Category: Legs | Item Category: Legs | Sell price to vendor: 569
More Information

Gathering info:

7 7,999 7,999 10,000 5,841 7,000 35,051 6 1.20

Level 70 Weaver Recipe for True Linen Breeches of Aiming

Wind Cluster 2 103 206 10/3/23 4:47:57 AM
Lightning Cluster 2 60 120 6/14/22 9:09:00 AM
Palladium Nugget 1 135 135 6/1/24 8:31:04 AM
Triphane 1 298 298 6/28/22 9:59:38 PM
Everdeep Aethersand 3 945 2,835 12/17/21 4:54:36 PM
Grade 3 Reisui of Dexterity 2 30 60 3/10/23 12:46:11 PM
Ground Sloth Leather 2 198 396 2/18/25 11:07:01 AM
True Linen 2 704 1,408 2/13/25 7:33:48 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 5,458

Profit/Loss Normal = 8,541

Profit/Loss HQ = 10,032

Current Prices

Price History

Moogle Cross Server Data for True Linen Breeches of Aiming on Chaos

Cerberus 36,166 8 73,289 36,166 34,999 -30,325 34,999 34,999 1 5/12/23 2:05:19 AM
Louisoix 4,500 14 28,626 4,500 22,154 1,341 22,200 88,619 4 11/28/21 8:31:32 PM
Moogle 7,999 7 7,999 10,000 5,841 -2,158 7,000 35,051 6 5/4/22 7:39:25 PM
Omega 8,925 12 9,449 8,925 8,300 -3,084 8,600 16,600 2 4/11/23 1:14:14 PM
Ragnarok 11,098 8 20,608 11,098 0 0 0 0 0 3/19/23 10:54:57 PM
Spriggan 18,507 2 18,507 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/25/23 12:59:12 AM
Sagittarius 9,135 3 12,493 9,135 9,999 -3,294 9,999 9,999 1 2/25/23 5:42:41 AM
Phantom 20,999 4 20,999 0 0 0 0 0 0 4/24/23 7:45:42 PM