Bamboo Planter

Server: Moogle

Last Updated: 6/16/22 2:02:18 AM
Search Category: Furnishings | Item Category: Furnishing | Sell price to vendor: 90
More Information

Gathering info:

55 9,870 9,870 22,846 9,400 228,465 10 5.50

Level 69 Carpenter Recipe for Bamboo Planter

Potting Soil 3 486 1,458 5/6/21 12:19:10 AM
Zelkova Lumber 2 308 616 11/5/23 8:02:14 PM
Ice Shard 8 67 536 9/29/23 3:38:20 PM
Wind Shard 8 36 288 10/21/24 10:58:13 PM
Bamboo Stick 4 350 1,400 6/24/24 9:18:53 AM
Cut Stone 3 1,196 3,588 2/19/25 12:27:00 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 7,886

Profit/Loss Normal = 2,013

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Desynthesizes into:

Fieldcraft Demimateria II
Wind Shard
Ice Shard

Current Prices

Price History

Moogle Cross Server Data for Bamboo Planter on Chaos

Cerberus 3,999 36 0 3,999 4,712 18,847 3,990 94,248 20 6/18/24 2:17:13 PM
Louisoix 30,898 37 0 30,898 32,219 -8,052 32,400 96,658 3 1/28/24 4:16:00 PM
Moogle 9,870 55 0 9,870 22,846 12,976 9,400 228,465 10 6/16/22 2:02:18 AM
Omega 6,990 28 0 6,990 3,161 15,856 6,997 63,228 20 6/5/24 8:58:19 AM
Ragnarok 12,600 42 0 12,600 12,281 10,246 9,090 122,819 10 6/16/22 2:08:27 AM
Spriggan 12,598 39 0 12,598 11,165 10,248 9,100 256,807 23 2/28/23 9:26:38 PM
Sagittarius 4,997 14 0 4,997 3,980 17,849 4,996 35,822 9 6/18/24 7:16:06 AM
Phantom 16,294 37 0 16,294 16,232 6,552 16,995 243,487 15 2/1/24 6:36:07 AM