Doman Steel Gauntlets of Scouting

Server: Moogle

Last Updated: 12/24/21 3:16:58 PM
Search Category: Hands | Item Category: Hands | Sell price to vendor: 329
More Information

Gathering info:

6 12,999 12,999 15,299 14,800 76,498 5 1.20

Level 66 Armorer Recipe for Doman Steel Gauntlets of Scouting

Earth Crystal 4 16 64 10/21/24 10:54:49 PM
Grade 1 Reisui of Dexterity 1 473 473 3/3/23 11:52:41 PM
Oroshigane Ingot 1 598 598 2/13/25 7:36:09 PM
Tama-hagane Ingot 3 600 1,800 1/3/24 7:07:18 PM
Tiger Leather 1 3,950 3,950 1/4/24 9:55:02 PM
Ice Crystal 5 100 500 6/24/24 9:21:18 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 7,385

Profit/Loss Normal = 2,615

Profit/Loss HQ = 22,610

Current Prices

Price History

Moogle Cross Server Data for Doman Steel Gauntlets of Scouting on Chaos

Cerberus 17,850 12 17,850 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/5/21 11:29:53 AM
Louisoix 30,000 4 30,000 0 21,090 -14,701 29,999 84,360 4 11/28/21 7:34:23 PM
Moogle 12,999 6 12,999 0 15,299 2,300 14,800 76,498 5 12/24/21 3:16:58 PM
Omega 17,490 6 17,490 0 0 0 0 0 0 2/23/23 3:25:36 AM
Ragnarok 64,518 1 64,518 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/5/21 11:53:07 AM
Spriggan 40,999 6 40,999 0 20,749 -25,700 40,500 41,499 2 5/5/21 12:45:17 PM