Expeditioner's Pantalettes

Server: Moogle

Last Updated: 2/25/23 6:42:49 AM
Search Category: Legs | Item Category: Legs | Sell price to vendor: 1
More Information

Gathering info:

9 31,499 252,000 31,499 24,500 25,000 98,000 4 2.20

Level 60 Weaver Recipe for Expeditioner's Pantalettes

Titanium Rivets 1 750 750 2/13/25 7:30:20 PM
Antique Rug 1 499 499 2/25/23 11:37:11 AM
Antique Leather 1 14,697 14,697 6/9/22 6:18:55 AM
Wind Cluster 2 103 206 10/3/23 4:47:57 AM
Lightning Cluster 3 60 180 6/14/22 9:09:00 AM
Battlecraft Demimateria III 3 524 1,572 9/12/23 2:57:43 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 17,904

Profit/Loss Normal = 7,096

Profit/Loss HQ = 49,996

Current Prices

Price History

Moogle Cross Server Data for Expeditioner's Pantalettes on Chaos

Cerberus 26,900 7 26,900 27,001 24,080 -2,400 18,000 481,601 20 8/22/22 4:42:02 PM
Louisoix 40,717 11 73,499 40,717 37,530 -16,217 39,780 337,774 9 2/28/23 11:02:50 AM
Moogle 31,499 9 252,000 31,499 24,500 -6,999 25,000 98,000 4 2/25/23 6:42:49 AM
Omega 56,693 14 56,693 56,694 0 0 0 0 0 2/19/23 7:49:19 PM
Ragnarok 24,000 17 0 24,000 22,357 500 20,000 447,140 20 9/10/21 2:38:52 PM
Spriggan 150,000 1 150,000 0 94,489 -125,500 149,999 1,039,381 11 8/2/23 5:33:28 PM
Sagittarius 26,250 6 0 26,250 28,916 -1,750 24,500 173,498 6 2/27/23 6:36:11 AM
Phantom 98,197 5 0 98,197 81,892 -73,697 98,197 655,143 8 10/14/23 7:55:59 AM