Titanium Alloy Mirror

Server: Moogle

Last Updated: 6/25/23 3:51:30 PM
Search Category: Metal | Item Category: Metal | Sell price to vendor: 10
More Information

Gathering info:

115 3,149 12,600 3,149 3,716 3,300 104,064 28 4.10

Level 60 Alchemist Recipe for Titanium Alloy Mirror

Hardsilver Sand 1 305 305 9/20/23 11:58:19 AM
Holy Water 1 900 900 2/13/25 7:27:51 PM
Titanium Alloy Square 1 49,000 49,000 11/22/21 6:16:32 AM
Lightning Cluster 1 60 60 6/14/22 9:09:00 AM
Water Cluster 2 190 380 6/26/24 6:16:41 AM
Vitriol 1 314 314 6/18/23 11:45:33 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 50,959

Profit/Loss Normal = -43,961

Profit/Loss HQ = -45,449

Current Prices

Price History

Moogle Cross Server Data for Titanium Alloy Mirror on Chaos

Cerberus 5,670 80 0 5,670 5,471 -1,954 5,400 196,964 36 9/23/23 12:37:44 AM
Louisoix 3,989 77 0 3,989 4,542 -273 4,490 109,012 24 6/6/23 5:53:35 PM
Moogle 3,149 115 12,600 3,149 3,716 567 3,300 104,064 28 6/25/23 3:51:30 PM
Omega 4,189 99 0 4,189 4,245 -473 5,300 118,870 28 9/13/23 8:43:42 AM
Ragnarok 3,255 56 0 3,255 3,329 461 2,990 106,546 32 6/13/23 1:55:14 PM
Spriggan 4,508 118 0 4,508 4,297 -792 4,294 85,940 20 6/25/23 6:55:35 PM
Sagittarius 5,249 54 0 5,249 5,007 -1,533 5,500 85,126 17 5/27/23 3:07:48 AM
Phantom 4,094 97 0 4,094 4,467 -378 3,995 75,942 17 6/3/23 11:31:31 PM