Grilled Sweetfish

Server: Moogle

Last Updated: 5/25/23 10:55:30 AM
Search Category: Meals | Item Category: Meal | Sell price to vendor: 12
More Information

Gathering info:

136 2,939 4,200 2,939 6,646 9,990 53,170 8 17.00

Level 54 Culinarian Recipe for Grilled Sweetfish

Sweetfish 1 2,048 2,048 4/29/23 12:12:37 PM
Water Crystal 3 39 117 4/24/24 10:29:23 AM
Volcanic Rock Salt 2 115 230 2/19/25 12:26:18 PM
Fire Crystal 4 97 388 6/24/24 9:20:56 AM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 2,783

Profit/Loss Normal = -759

Profit/Loss HQ = -529

Current Prices

Price History

Moogle Cross Server Data for Grilled Sweetfish on Chaos

Cerberus 851 47 855 851 0 0 0 0 0 3/24/23 1:48:31 PM
Louisoix 838 55 8,558 838 6,656 5,808 8,000 39,940 6 5/22/23 7:32:08 AM
Moogle 2,939 136 4,200 2,939 6,646 3,707 9,990 53,170 8 5/25/23 10:55:30 AM
Omega 945 19 9,870 945 9,445 5,701 9,399 47,229 5 6/20/23 8:44:38 PM
Ragnarok 945 35 3,149 945 2,921 5,701 5,000 40,895 14 5/24/23 4:51:15 AM
Spriggan 1,044 28 1,044 1,050 2,986 5,602 4,499 20,905 7 6/22/23 1:53:55 AM
Sagittarius 1,048 14 6,299 1,048 4,597 5,598 5,999 22,989 5 6/25/23 12:52:13 AM
Phantom 420 11 0 420 853 6,226 400 16,219 19 6/26/23 2:46:36 PM