Growth Formula Epsilon

Server: Moogle

Last Updated: 6/12/23 8:10:41 AM
Search Category: Reagents | Item Category: Reagent | Sell price to vendor: 2
More Information

Gathering info:

4 5,775 5,775 6,000 6,500 90,000 15 0.30

Level 51 Alchemist Recipe for Growth Formula Epsilon

Icetrap Leaf 3 595 1,785 2/20/23 10:28:48 AM
Water Crystal 3 39 117 4/24/24 10:29:23 AM
Quicksilver 1 25 25 6/1/24 8:33:56 AM
Volcanic Rock Salt 2 115 230 2/19/25 12:26:18 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 2,157

Profit/Loss Normal = 2,843

Profit/Loss HQ = 2,593

Current Prices

Price History

Moogle Cross Server Data for Growth Formula Epsilon on Chaos

Cerberus 2,495 96 6,499 2,495 2,278 3,505 2,499 651,556 286 5/26/24 5:41:50 PM
Louisoix 3,048 10 0 3,048 3,000 2,952 3,000 45,000 15 10/7/23 12:56:55 AM
Moogle 5,775 4 5,775 0 6,000 225 6,500 90,000 15 6/12/23 8:10:41 AM
Omega 10,500 62 10,500 11,025 11,998 -4,500 11,994 71,988 6 6/21/23 7:51:27 AM
Ragnarok 7,980 65 9,030 7,980 6,448 -1,980 7,700 186,995 29 6/25/23 1:59:31 AM
Spriggan 5,249 205 11,553 5,249 5,142 751 5,000 35,998 7 6/20/23 12:45:23 AM
Sagittarius 2,798 24 2,950 2,798 5,384 3,202 2,800 398,425 74 6/8/24 3:52:49 PM
Phantom 5,000 12 5,000 0 6,592 1,000 6,000 250,496 38 9/29/23 1:14:54 AM