Spotted Interior Wall

Server: Midgardsormr

Last Updated: 6/4/23 8:30:31 PM
Search Category: Interior Fixtures | Item Category: Interior Wall | Sell price to vendor: 150
More Information

Gathering info:

4 20,997 20,997 18,999 19,998 75,996 4 1.00

Level 35 Weaver Recipe for Spotted Interior Wall

Wind Shard 3 60 180 1/19/24 4:51:25 PM
Undyed Linen 3 170 510 2/15/25 7:52:58 PM
Linen Yarn 2 118 236 2/15/25 7:53:19 PM
Lightning Shard 4 84 336 2/15/23 1:50:02 AM
Mortar 3 800 2,400 9/25/24 5:02:19 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 3,662

Profit/Loss Normal = 59,487

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Desynthesizes into:

Linen Yarn
Lightning Shard
Wind Shard

Current Prices

Price History

Midgardsormr Cross Server Data for Spotted Interior Wall on Aether

Adamantoise 94,498 1 0 94,498 61,749 -75,499 75,000 246,999 4 4/13/23 6:29:58 AM
Cactuar 3,303 15 0 3,303 3,058 15,696 3,175 9,174 3 6/18/23 6:55:32 PM
Faerie 93,240 3 0 93,240 17,229 -74,241 17,995 86,145 5 6/10/23 7:19:11 PM
Gilgamesh 15,750 7 0 15,750 6,979 3,249 8,998 34,896 5 5/13/23 3:51:55 AM
Jenova 23,099 7 0 23,099 19,332 -4,100 20,999 57,996 3 6/6/23 8:48:37 AM
Midgardsormr 20,997 4 0 20,997 18,999 -1,998 19,998 75,996 4 6/4/23 8:30:31 PM
Sargatanas 20,790 4 0 20,790 19,636 -1,791 19,799 78,546 4 6/13/23 11:50:40 PM
Siren 15,000 13 0 15,000 15,979 3,999 15,999 79,898 5 9/24/21 1:36:48 AM