Linen Canvas

Server: Midgardsormr

Last Updated: 5/29/23 8:32:24 PM
Search Category: Cloth | Item Category: Cloth | Sell price to vendor: 1
More Information

Gathering info:

2 2,468 2,468 2,913 3,100 40,794 14 0.10

Level 36 Weaver Recipe for Linen Canvas

Cotton Yarn 1 40 40 6/22/23 8:54:16 AM
Linen Yarn 2 118 236 2/15/25 7:53:19 PM
Beeswax 1 47 47 6/15/23 2:39:54 AM
Lightning Shard 4 84 336 2/15/23 1:50:02 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 659

Profit/Loss Normal = 1,339

Profit/Loss HQ = 2,031

Current Prices

Price History

Midgardsormr Cross Server Data for Linen Canvas on Aether

Adamantoise 524 46 525 524 3,124 2,389 1,998 96,872 31 7/9/23 7:08:14 AM
Cactuar 1,045 6 1,050 1,045 985 1,868 994 93,632 95 6/26/23 10:34:43 PM
Faerie 525 46 525 838 608 2,388 500 29,800 49 6/8/23 1:33:12 AM
Gilgamesh 2,499 358 2,902 2,499 1,454 414 1,350 80,014 55 5/4/24 5:31:29 AM
Jenova 987 15 988 987 1,644 1,926 988 518,060 315 6/4/24 6:05:18 PM
Midgardsormr 2,468 2 0 2,468 2,913 445 3,100 40,794 14 5/29/23 8:32:24 PM
Sargatanas 1,470 53 1,470 1,564 1,357 1,443 1,446 92,296 68 6/11/23 12:56:16 AM
Siren 1,470 4 1,575 1,470 1,625 1,443 1,500 39,005 24 6/18/23 5:44:54 PM